New Moon Wellness

About New Moon Wellness

New Moon Wellness is the acupuncture practice of Rebecca Tracey. The belief that every being has the power to fully embody their own health and happiness has manifested in Rebecca’s lifelong journey in the healing arts. She has been a NYS licensed acupuncturist since 2008.

Rebecca’s practice is based on the traditions of Classical Chinese medicine. She holds a Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine and has studied under Jeffrey Yuen and Lonny Jarrett.

Her style of intuitive wellness incorporates acupuncture needles, cupping, guasha, patient education, and hands on healing. These techniques help her patients to cultivate and commit to their own wellbeing. Rebecca sees each person as an individual with a boundless ability to heal and align with their unique destiny.

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”- Lao Tzu



Initial Acupuncture Session

During your initial appointment we will discuss your chief complaint and your health history. I will also look at your tongue and feel your pulses. Based on this initial evaluation, a treatment plan rooted in the principles of Chinese Medicine is created. This will incorporate acupuncture points, dietary recommendations and patient homework. Duration approximately 90 minutes.


Follow-up Acupuncture Session

Follow-up sessions build on the relationship created in the initial consultation. Acupuncture points are selected for each patient, every treatment is individual and designed specifically for you and your needs. Duration approximately 60 minutes.



Package of 6 follow-up acupuncture treatments available for $480 ($80 each treatment).

“The longest journey you will make in your life is from your head to your heart.”-an old Sioux saying